


The content and the Course Description Schedule including the weekly assessment of each course, is sent to the Directorate of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences to be published in its web site at least one week before the start of the semester in written form by the Chairmanship of the Department of the related course. Exam results are sent by the instructor within three (3) days following the exam date to the Directorate of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.


(1) Success grades, the degrees and coefficients they express are shown in the following table:

Grade        Semester Grade   Coefficient

90-100            AA                   4.0

85-89              BA                   3.5

80-84              BB                   3.0

75-79              CB                   2.5

70-74              CC                   2.0

65-69              DC                   1.5

60-64              DD                   1.0

50-59              FD                   0.5

49 and below  FF                     0

(2) In order to be successful in a course the student must get at least CB.

(3)  Also; G (Developing), Y (Poor), B (Successful), M (Exempt) grades don’t join the grade point average  and D (non-attendance), E (Incomplete) grades are temporary notes, other principles related to them are as follows:

  1. a) Grade D is given to the students who are unable to obtain the right to take examination for failing to meet the conditions for attending a course or the practice obligations of a course and FF grade process takes place for the grade point average.

  1. b) Grade B is given to the students who have successfully completed their thesis. Also, it’s used for succeeding in non-credit courses, area, clinical and laboratory courses and seminars.

  1. c)  Grade G is given to the students who are successfully continuing with their thesis.

  1. d)  Grade Y is given to the students who aren’t successfully continuing with their thesis. Also, it’s used for not succeeding in non-credit courses, area, clinical and laboratory courses and seminars.

  1. e) Grade E is given to the students who can’t complete the requirements for the course, although they’re successful during the semester. If a student gets E from a course he/she has one month after the grades are reported to the administration and the student has to get a grade by fulfilling the deficiencies. Otherwise, E grade becomes FF.

  1. f) Grade M is given for the exempted courses that the student has taken before and is considered equivalent to the minimum course load, upon the recommendation of the Main Science / Main Art Discipline and by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

(4) The students that have registered after being successful in graduate education entrance exam, can be exempt of the courses taken during their education at other institutions, upon the proposal of the Main Science / Main Art Discipline and by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. However, the total credits of the exempted courses can’t be more than 1/3 of the total credits required to complete the program.


Students who have failed from elective or compulsory courses have to repeat those courses. The student enrolls to the failed course in the first term the course is offered. However, in special cases, in programs with more than one elective compulsory course, failed courses can be replaced as compulsory with another compulsory course or an elective with another elective course by the recommendation of the supervisor and the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. However, the replacement course must have an equivalent course credit with the former one.

Replacement of a compulsory (in programs with more than elective compulsory course) or elective course with another course is only possible in case of abolition of that course from the academic program or course not opening due to a justifiable plea by the instructor or student being at the final semester of his/her academic program. The student can enroll to another course by applying with a petition, by the justified recommendation of the supervisor about the new course and by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences; for courses abolished from the program, no such obligations are sought.

Students may repeat the courses they have passed to increase their cumulate grade average, with the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The cumulative grade average is calculated considering the latest grade. No requests can be made to repeat the same course more than one time. A Master’s student continuing his/her Master’s thesis may request to repeat courses to achieve the required grade necessary to start Ph. D. Education. This right may be used by the end of the thesis submission date. Grade increase request may be done within 15 days from the beginning of the related semester the course is given.

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